moccasin (2)

noun physical_artefact_dress




Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *a•kúte

Chiwere a•gúǰe ‘moccasin’ RR , agúthą ‘legging’ GMsf

Hoocąk waguǰé ‘shoe’ KM:1695 , waguje ‘moccasin’ KM:120 , caahá-waguǰé , caaha waguje (> caa+haa waguje)



Tutelo āgōre, āgōdē, añgohlēi , †a•ko•hre ‘moccasin’ H

General comment

Paucity of data makes a secure reconstruction very difficult. The subgroups appear to agree on the length of the initial vowel, which may represent the locative prefix. Accent would lengthen the second vowel, which we find in Tutelo if not in Chiwere, but we would expect it to have caused aspiration of the second consonant also. Alternate forms with differing suffixes show clearly that these are highly derived forms in both subgroups. They may, in fact, represent parallel innovations or borrowings and the term may not really be reconstructible at all. If ‘shoes’ follows the pattern set by terms such as ‘trousers’, it may well be based on an expression meaning essentially, ‘stand within’, in which case Ofo (a)skhólestand’ may be related. Cf. ‘cranberry’ for a possible parallel treatment of *h+r.

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