brother (1) mBrel

noun social_kin


Proto-Siouan [old reconstruction only]

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *i-yį́•re

Proto-Dakota čhįyé

Lakota čhiyé RTC

Dakota ćiŋ•yé , †čhįyé SRR:101

Stoney čhį- PAS

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *hi-yį́•ra

Chiwere hįyí•ną RR

Hoocąk hinįrá JWE , hinį

Proto-Dhegiha *i-žį́re

Omaha-Ponca izhíⁿthe , †ižį́ðe ‘male’s elder brother’ [voc] MAS:195 , žįðéhaw , †ižį́ðe RTC

Kanza/Kaw ižį́ye ‘man’s elder brother’ RR

Osage ižį́e, ižį́ye ‘man’s elder brother’ RR

Quapaw ižį́de ‘man’s elder brother’ JOD



Biloxi íni, iniyaⁿ ‘his elder brother’ D&S:200a

General comment

The Biloxi form may not be cognate since, instead of the n, we would expect the medial glide to be *y. In that case this is only a MVS cognate set, and any Proto-Siouan reconstruction is questionable. However, if the pre-Biloxi form were *i-yįni and y were lost between i’s, then Biloxi could be regular and cognate after all.