bread, cornball

noun physical_consumption



Proto-Mississipi-Valley *wa•-(Wo-)ske


Chiwere wa•búθke ‘be inflated’ RR, JOD , wa-po-shke

Proto-Dhegiha *wáske

Omaha-Ponca wamóske, wáske ‘pounded corn with honey and buffalo marrow’ RR , wáske ‘pounded corn with honey and buffalo marrow’ RR

Kanza/Kaw wabóski, wabóske ‘cornball, bread’ RR

Quapaw wáske RR



Biloxi apátckuní , †apáčkunį́ ‘corn dumplings’ D&S:265b , paska , †apáčkunį́ ‘bread’ D&S:265b

General comment

Forms with the instrumental *-Wo- refer to the swelling or rising of dough and so may postdate contact. Cf. Choctaw and Chickasaw paska ‘bread’, palaska ‘bake’. Initial syllable accent and restricted distribution make diffusion a possibility here.

Other languages

  • RR: Cf. Choctaw and Chickasaw paska ‘bread’, palaska ‘bake’.
Language Cognate Phonetic Siouan Meaning Comment Sources