bend (9)

verb physical_contact_manipulation


Proto-Siouan *kšą

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *-kšą-kšą

Proto-Dakota *kšą

Lakota kšą́kšą ‘wriggle, as a fish’ EB:318b , kšų́kšą ‘zigzag’ EJ , kšįkšą́ ‘crooked’ EJ , yukšį́kšą ‘bend, bend up; crookedly, in a zigzag manner’ EJ , pakšį́kšą ‘bend with the foot e.g. a stick by two hands an d bent with the foot’ EJ , kšą́ ‘bend, make bend by pushing’ RTC, EB:318b , -kšą́, ka- ‘bend with the mouth’ EB , -kšą́, na- ‘bend; do something in a round about way, to go around something to avoid it’ EB:350a, EJ , -kšą́, pa- EB:429a, EJ , -kšą́, ya- EB:623a, EJ , -kšą́, yu- EB:642, EJ

Dakota kšą́ ‘crooked’ SRR:298

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *kšą-kšą

Chiwere waʔšą́ʔšą ‘zig zag’ GM

Hoocąk -kšąkšą ‘wavy (hair)’ KM:1899 , -kšąkšą

Proto-Dhegiha *šą

Omaha-Ponca ba’shoⁿshoⁿ ‘crooked’ [-šą́] MAS:51 , pa shoⁿshoⁿ , †bašąšą ‘zigzag’ MAS:192

Kanza/Kaw be•są́ ‘zig zag pattern’ RR , yübášǫše RR

Osage bashoⁿ´ , †pašą́ ‘crooked, incurved, river bend’ LF:23a , bashóⁿshoⁿ , †pašą́šą ‘in a zig zag way’ LF:23b

Quapaw ni bášąkną́ ‘bend in a stream’ JOD



Biloxi ktcaⁿ, iñktcaⁿhí, iñktcáⁿhi , †kčą ‘next to, next one’ D&S:214a

General comment

In Dakotan psąpsą and ktąktą have very similar meanings, so several kinds of sound symbolism are at work here. Mandan kšį́kše ‘zig zag lightning’ has the wrong spirant grade and wrong vocalism to be strictly cognate. Proto-Biloxi-Ofo *ke(•)či ‘bend’ suggests that all of the Siouan terms for ‘bend, crooked’, etc. with root-initial probably possessed the Proto-Siouan initial CVC sequence *keš-. This would account for the accentual pattern in the daughter languages also.