behind, in back

adverb physical_spatial


Proto-Siouan *RásE

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *á•racE

Crow alítchia , †alíccia ‘back, on the other side’ GG:9

Hidatsa á•raci ‘back of, at one side’ J, HWM

Pre-Mandan *rą́h+ši+ta

Mandan rą́hšit ‘in back of, behind’ RTC

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *Raze-

Proto-Dakota *Raza-

Lakota lazáta ‘by the side of, behind’ EB:322b , -laza- in: ilázatą ‘from the side of, perhaps’ EB:223

Dakota dazáta ‘back of, back from’ SRR

Proto-Dhegiha *Ráze-hta

Omaha-Ponca (a)naçaṭa , †anazatta ‘in rear, behind’ MAS:6

Kanza/Kaw dazétta ‘back, backwards’ RR

Osage dáçeṭaha , †tázehtaha ‘in rear, behind’ LF:33b


Proto-Biloxi-Ofo *rVs

Biloxi daswá , †daswá ‘back (body part)’ D&S:180b

Ofo itā´tĭska , †itá•tiska ‘back (body part)’ D&S:324b, JSS , yâⁿ´shĕ´tā´tĭska , †itá•tiska ‘back of chair’ D&S:331b, JSS

General comment

The MVS languages have a postposition of direction. Mandan is clearly a compound of ‘back’ and an unidentified element. Gemination in Crow is unexplained.