
verb social_communication


Proto-Siouan *Ráhe

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *(wa-)Rá

Proto-Dakota *Rá

Lakota ‘ask, demand’ EB:322a , walá ‘ask, beg’ EB:534b, EJ

Dakota da ‘beg’ WM:16a

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *Rá-

Chiwere ráda ‘beg (standing position)’ JDH , rámąñį ‘go around begging’ JDH

Hoocąk watatá KM:3502 , watata

Proto-Dhegiha *(wa-)Rá

Omaha-Ponca wana MAS:16

Kanza/Kaw da, wadá ‘ask, beg, pray, demand’ RR

Osage da , †ta ‘ask for, beg, request, solicit’ LF:32b

Quapaw wattá ‘pray’ MS, RR



Biloxi ha_dhí , †hadəhi ‘beg’ D&S:192b , kahádûhûní , †kahádəhəní ‘not to beg’ D&S:192b

General comment

The Quapaw transcription was done from a noisy tape and may be incorrect.

Quapaw watá would be expected. Biloxi suggests final *-he, if it is cognate.

Other languages

  • JEK: Cf. PUA #13 *ta ‘ask’. Miller.