verb physical_spatial
Proto-Siouan *(a-)ąSE
Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *axa
Crow áaxaa ‘around’ GG:3
Hidatsa íʔaxa ‘surround’ J
Proto-Mississipi-Valley *(a-)nąsE
Proto-Dakota *nąsá
Lakota nąsá ‘surround and kill, hunt buffalo’
Dakota nasá ‘hunt buffalo, surround and kill’ SRR:334a
Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *ánąse
Chiwere nathé , †nąθé ‘close’ JGT:48 , anáthe, nanthé , †aną́θe ‘close, impede’ JGT:48
Hoocąk hanąsé ‘shut off from doing sth.; lock in; cover’ KM:630 , hanąse ‘fasten’ WL:16.6 , hasá , hasa
Proto-Dhegiha *ánąse
Omaha-Ponca †ánase ‘obstruct’
Kanza/Kaw ánąsa ‘cut off, surround’ RR
Osage ánoⁿçe , †ánąse ‘surround’ LF:13b
Quapaw ánase ‘intercept, head off’ JOD
Ofo oⁿ´sxa , †ą́sha ‘hunt for game’ D&S:328a