wind (2)

noun natural_force_weather


Proto-Siouan *se ~ *xe

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *huci

Crow hučí ‘wind’ GG:48, RGG:6

Hidatsa húci ‘wind’ J


Mandan šéʔ ‘wind’ RTC


Proto-Biloxi-Ofo *axu•xe

Biloxi xûxwĕ´, xûxwĕ´di, xuxé , †xuxé ‘wind’ D&S:225a

Ofo ashū´se , †ashú•se ‘wind’ D&S:321b, JSS , áshusĕ , †ashú•se ‘it blows’ D&S:321b

General comment

Crow, Hidatsa, Mandan match for *se; OVS shows *-xe. The constructions are probably sound-symbolically related. On MRS hu-, compare Hidatsa hú•heblizzard’ and -hu•re ‘move air’ in náhu•re ‘inhale’, nakahu•re ‘to fan’, Crow awatá•huablizzard’. Cf. ‘wind (3)

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