mark, scratch > score, mark

verb physical_contact_deformation


Proto-Siouan *xohe

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *-ɣo

Proto-Dakota *-ɣó

Lakota -ɣó, ka- ‘draw a line, i.e. on land, as a Reservation line to mark, make marks, cuts or gashes, to vaccinate’ EB:273 , -ɣo, owá- ‘score’ EB:411 , -ɣó, pa- ‘carve, engrave; to mark e.g. by a line for a race, to pace ground’ EB:424 , -ɣó, ya- ‘make a mark with the teeth’ EB:619 , -ɣó, yu- ‘make scratches’ EB:636b , -ɣóɣo, na- ‘make scratches, as on the floor by walking, with the shoes etc.’ EB:343

Dakota †kaɣó ‘mark, make marks, etc.’ SRR:248b

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *-ɣó

Chiwere wixó , †wiɣó ‘mark with something’ JGT:182

Hoocąk -ɣó, gi- ‘grind, sharpen’ KM:339 , giǧo

Proto-Dhegiha *-ɣó

Omaha-Ponca wabaxú , †wabaɣó ‘make marks, write’ MAS:190

Kanza/Kaw -ɣó, yü- ‘make marks, scratch’ RR

Osage thixu , †ðüɣo ‘make marks, lines’ LF:152a

Quapaw -ɣó, da- dé ‘decrease, lower’ RR , -ɣó, di- ‘mark, scratch, draw line’ RR



Biloxi dŭkxohí, tûkxohí , †-xohí, dak- ‘make smooth with a knife, scrape, shave’ D&S:222a

General comment

Cf. ‘make marks > mark, scratch’ ‘point at’ for further fricative grades.