grease (2)

noun physical_substance


Proto-Siouan *i•kri


Mandan íkri ‘grease, lard’ H:87 , ikíri ‘grease’ RTC

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *(wa)-íkri

Proto-Dakota *ikrí

Lakota iglí, wígli ‘grease’ RTC

Dakota ihdí, wíhdi ‘the soft fat of animals, grease, oil’ SRR:186a

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *wí•kri

Chiwere mį́•gri ‘grease’ RR

Hoocąk wikįnį́ ‘fat; oil; lard; automotive oil’ KM:3739 , wikįnį, wakįnį

Proto-Dhegiha *wa-íkri

Omaha-Ponca wegthi , †wégði ‘oil, lard’ MAS:305

Kanza/Kaw wéli, wélli ‘grease’ RR

Osage wégthi , †wéli ‘grease, oil, kerosene’ LF:213b

Quapaw wékdi, wekǰi ‘grease’ RR

General comment

Generally, this is an edible grease, as opposed to ‘grease (1)’.