good (3)

verb evaluative


Proto-Siouan *tą́

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *tą

Proto-Dakota *tą

Lakota tąlá ‘love’ EB:479b , tątą́ ‘very well’ EB:480b , tąyą́ ‘well’ RTC , tą́, ya- ‘speak well of, praise’ EB:629 , tą́, pa- ‘esteem highly; to take care of, to save’ EB:435 , tą́yą, pa- ‘reserving, keeping’ EB:436 , tą́, yu- ‘honor, glorify’ EB:653 , tą́yą, yu- ‘make good; praising’ EB:653

Dakota yatáŋ , †yatą́ ‘speak well of, praise’ SRR:616a

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *-o-tą

Chiwere nãnt’udã , †nątʔúdą ‘pity’ [< ‘heart’+ X ?] JGT:48

Hoocąk ną́ąǰiroǰą́ ‘pity, take pity on; give a blessing to, in response to vision quest’ KM:2165 , nąąc hiroją

Proto-Dhegiha *(o-)tą

Omaha-Ponca údoⁿ , †ódą ‘good’ MAS:86

Kanza/Kaw dą́he, ną- ‘strut, walk with an important air’ RR , dą́he, ya- ‘praise, to praise someone’ RR

Osage odoⁿ´ , †otą́ ‘military honors’ LF:120b