gather (1), pick up

verb physical_contact_manipulation


Proto-Siouan *pahí-he

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *-pVhe

Crow čilakappí ‘choose, select, pick out’ GG:37

Hidatsa -phÉ, raka- ‘pick up, pick out, select’ J , nakaphí


Mandan wápahįhoʔš ‘he selected something’ H:73

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *pahí

Proto-Dakota *pahí

Lakota pahí ‘gather, pick up, collect’ EB:425a

Dakota pahí ‘gather, pick up, gather together’ SRR:404a

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *-hí

Chiwere wehí ‘gather up, pick up from the ground’ JGT:150

Hoocąk gihí ‘gather and put into container’ KM:342 , gihi ‘gather from ground (individual objects, like acorns)’ KM:3621 , weehí ‘gather’ KM:2870 , wehi , stoohí , stoohi

Proto-Dhegiha *bahí (?)

Omaha-Ponca bahi , †bahí ‘pick’ MAS:136

Kanza/Kaw bahí ‘pick up, gather’ RR

Osage bahí , †bahí ‘pick, select, gather from ground’ LF:21a

Quapaw bahí ‘grab’ JOD , wabáhi ‘pick up food as birds’ JOD

General comment

It appears that the pa- in this form was an organic part of the root in Proto-Siouan, but has been reanalyzed as the pa- instrumental prefix in some MVS languages. DH languages clearly treat the word as though it contained this prefix; however, the uniform b- is unusual. Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere has taken this process to the point that the “new” root -hi can be used with other prefixes. Cf. ‘gather (2), assemble (intransitive)’.