
noun physical_somatic_body_part

Proto-Siouan-Catawba *yó•

Proto-Siouan *i-yó•

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *irú

Crow ilúka ‘meat’ RG, GG:88, RGG:104 , ilússhishi ‘meat, fresh’ GG:88

Hidatsa iru ‘flesh of, meat of’ J , irúka ‘dried meat, jerky’ J , irúkšitE ‘(fresh) meat’ J , irúkšiti


Mandan óro ‘fruit, seed, nut, meat, acorn’ H:129

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *yó

Proto-Dakota *čhó

Lakota čhó ‘kernel, core’ RTC

Dakota ćo , †čhó ‘kernel, meat of seeds, etc.’ SRR:102a

Sioux Valley čhó ‘kernel, core’ PAS

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *ró

Chiwere i•ró ‘body’ RR , iró, ró ‘body, flesh, self’ JGT:110

Hoocąk róo ‘body’ KM:2626 , roo

Proto-Dhegiha *žó•

Omaha-Ponca žó•ga ‘body’ RTC , tazhu , †ttažó ‘lean meat’ MAS:119

Kanza/Kaw žó RR

Osage zhú , †žo ‘flesh, body’ LF:228a

Quapaw žó RR

Proto-Southeastern *-yó•

Proto-Biloxi-Ofo *-yó

Biloxi ‘body, fruit’ D&S:294b , iñksiyó ‘meat’ , wakyo ‘beef’

Ofo iⁿ´tco, iⁿtcó , †įčo ‘body, flesh, corpse’ D&S:325a


Tutelo yūqtéki, wāyuqtéki, wayūqtik , †yú•xteki H


Catawba yú•; wí•dyo ‘meat’ KS, FGS:6

General comment

Cf. Yuchi šo (LB). This is one of a number of roots in which Proto-Siouan-Catawba *y appears to match š in Yuchi. Cf. ‘beaver’, ‘sacred (2a), snake’, ‘fish’, ‘water’ also have Yuchi look-alikes with this apparent match.

Other languages

  • Yuchi šo LB