firm (1)

verb perceptual_tactile


Proto-Siouan *tį́he

Pre-Mandan *tį•h- (?)

Mandan tį́hoʔš ‘show, stick out’ H:251 , wątį́•ht ‘outside’ RTC

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *tį

Proto-Dakota *-tį́

Lakota patį́ ‘stiff’ EB:436a , katį́ ‘straight’ EB:293a

Dakota katíŋ , †katį́ ‘straight, straightened out’ SRR:270b


Hoocąk jįįjį , †ǰį́ǰį ‘be hard (penis)’ MM:215 , djį́djį , †ǰį́ǰį

Proto-Dhegiha *tį́

Omaha-Ponca díⁿdiⁿ , †dį́dį ‘stiff’ MAS:164

Kanza/Kaw ǰį́ǰe ‘firm, hard against, stout’ RR

General comment

This is a set in which aspiration would normally be expected as it has a second syllable beginning with a stop, at least when used with an instrumental prefix. Hoocąk shows an extended form. Kanza/Kaw has reformed the second syllable so that the term falls into the productive -e paradigm.