fat, tallow

noun physical_substance


Proto-Siouan *šį•(-re)

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *šiwí

Crow šiwí ‘fat of meat’ GG:56, RGG:104

Hidatsa šuwí ‘fat, tallow’ J


Mandan sį́•re ~ sį́• ‘fat, tallow’ RTC

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *šį́

Proto-Dakota *šį́

Lakota šį́ ‘fat, tallow’ RTC

Dakota śíŋ , †šį́ ‘fat part of animals, fat meat’ SRR:444b

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *šį́

Chiwere sį́ W:244b

Hoocąk šį́į ‘be fat; be fatty (of food)’ KM:2961 , šįį

Proto-Dhegiha *šį́

Omaha-Ponca shiⁿ , †šį́ ‘fat’ MAS:75

Kanza/Kaw šį́ ‘fat’ RR

Osage shiⁿ , †šį́ ‘be fat’ LF:131b

Quapaw wašį́ ‘fat’ RR , šį ‘fat’ JOD , šįhį́ ‘fat’ OM, RR


Proto-Biloxi-Ofo *Včhį́•(-ri)

Biloxi tciⁿ´, atciⁿ´ni , †ačį́(-ni) D&S:264b

Ofo ītchí , †i•čhí ‘fat, oil, grease’ D&S:324b, JSS