dwell, dwelling, house



Proto-Siouan *ahtí•

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *atÉ

Crow aší RG, GG:12, RGG:42

Hidatsa atÉ ‘house’ J , atí ‘his house’ J , á•ti


Mandan tíʔ ‘house’ RTC , otíʔ ‘house’ RTC

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *htí

Proto-Dakota *thí

Lakota thí ‘dwell’ RTC

Stoney thi- PAS

Sioux Valley thi- PAS

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *thí•

Chiwere čhí RR

Hoocąk číi ‘house; dwell’ KM:217 , cii ‘roof of house’ KM:224 , čiihák , ciihak ~ cii hihak

Proto-Dhegiha *htí

Omaha-Ponca ttí RTC

Kanza/Kaw ččí RR

Osage hcí LF:162f

Quapaw ttí RR

Proto-Southeastern *athí•

Proto-Biloxi-Ofo *athí

Biloxi ati, áti, ti D&S:274b

Ofo ạthí, ạt‹í , †athí D&S:322a


Tutelo atī , †ati• N, H

General comment

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa seems to have replaced the inherited vowel with the more productive -E.