cut strips > chop, tear

verb physical_contact_deformation


Proto-Siouan *-sá•(-re)


Hidatsa -ca•, ná- ‘break with teeth’ J , -ca•, nú- ‘crumble’ J , -cá•, nak- ‘break to pieces, shatter, pulverize’ J , -ca•, pá- ‘break with a stick, poke, jab’ J , -cá•, ara- ‘trample’ J , -cá•, ha- ‘cut out of flat material, cut in strips’ J

Pre-Mandan *-sa•-

Mandan kasároʔš ‘he cuts meat from bone’ H:200 , rasároʔš ‘he eats meat from bone’ H:200


Proto-Dakota *-zá

Lakota zazáhA ‘ragged’ [nasalized cap. A] EB:658a , -zá, ka- ‘stringy; hangs do wn unevenly; screen with tears in it’ [- ablaut] EJ , -záza, yu- ‘pick to pieces e.g. the takaŋ or sinew, tearing off one string after another and twisting it for use in sewing; n. a job’ EB:296a , -záza, ka- ‘make fringes by cutting with scissors’ EJ , -záza, wa- ‘pick to pieces e.g. sinew or a piece of cloth’ EB:657a

Dakota kazá ‘pick to pieces’ SRR:273a

Proto-Southeastern *-sá•(-ri)


Biloxi daksádi , †daksádi ‘cut with knife’ D&S:250b , dusạ´ hutpĕ´ , †daksádi ‘tear a hole through’ , dŭkŭsasá , †dakasasá ‘cut often w. a knife, making many splinters’ D&S:262a , dusádi , †dakasasá ‘tear anything’ D&S:250b


Tutelo lakasāse , †lakasa•se ‘chop’ H


Catawba ‘cut wood’ KS

General comment

Cf. ‘break (2)