cut (2)

verb physical_contact_deformation


Proto-Siouan *-kipE

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *-kipE

Crow chípi, dat- ‘carve, whittle, peel, slice, pare’ RG, GG:42

Hidatsa kipE, naka- ‘cut off a chunk of meat’ J , kipE, ná- ‘bite off’ J , kipE, nú- ‘scrape meat from a bone, cut in strips, whittle’ J , kipE, pá- ‘straight cutting’ J

Pre-Mandan *-kip-

Mandan kip, ka- ‘sharpen, trim’ H:109 , kip, ru- ‘shave s.t., hone’ H:109



Lakota wakipi ‘shave’ WM:201

General comment

Restricted to the most northerly subgroups. Hidatsa and Mandan agree in calling for Proto-Siouan *-E, while Lakota suggests *-i. The Wm ref. lists this as Teton.

Language Cognate Phonetic Siouan Meaning Comment Sources