crush (2)

verb physical_contact_deformation


Proto-Siouan *Sú•SE


Crow dáššuši ‘break with mouth’ RGG:25, GG:42 , -sshushi, dá- ‘break with mouth; bring down verbally’ RG , -sshushi, dú- ‘break’ RG

Hidatsa -cu•xE, ara- ‘break up fine by stepping on’ J , -cu•xE, ná- ‘grind up fine in mouth, chew up’ J , -cu•xE, nak- ‘hammer it fine, crush’ J , -cu•xE, nú- ‘grind up fine, crush’ J

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *SúžE


Lakota nasúsuza ‘snap, as ice forming’ [- ablaut] , yusúsuze ‘noise made when rubbing two pieces of ice together’ EJ , kašúžA ‘bruise, batter; to mash, crush by striking’ EB:292a, EJ , našúžA ‘bruise or crush with the foot’ EB:359b, EJ , pašúžA ‘crush with the hand; to break or mash by punching’ EB:435b, EJ , yašúžA ‘crush, as a dog does a bone; to mash up’ EB:629a, EJ , pašúšužA ‘mash up, break in pieces e.g. bones’ EB:435b, EJ , wošúžA ‘crush by punching; to crush or mash up’ EB:610a, EJ , yušúžA ‘crush e.g. bones; to break in slivers’ EB:653a, EJ


Kanza/Kaw wadáxüže ‘cracklings’ MR, RR

General comment

The listed Kanza/Kaw wadáxüže may really be wadáɣüže and thus related to the ɣu of ‘Brulé’ in Dakota meaning ‘burnt’, rather than to the present set.

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