
verb physical_somatic_function


Proto-Siouan [old reconstruction only]


Hidatsa haxphí ‘sneeze’ J

Pre-Mandan *xpí-

Mandan pxíʔš RTC , he sneezed

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *hó_xpe

Proto-Dakota *ho_xpá

Lakota ho_xpá ‘cough’ RTC

Dakota hoḣpa , †hoxpa ‘cough’ WM:40a


Chiwere hóxwe RR

Hoocąk hooxíwi ‘cough’ KM:1460 , hooxiwi

Proto-Dhegiha *hó-_xpe

Omaha-Ponca húxpe , †hóxpe ‘cough’ MAS:48

Kanza/Kaw hóxpe ‘cough’ RR

Osage húxpe , †hóxpe ‘hawk, clear one’s throat’ LF:68b

Quapaw hóxpe ‘cough’ RR

General comment

The MVS form is a noun-verb compound, the noun being the Proto-Siouan root *hó ‘voice’. Conjugation precedes the second element. The term seems relatively reconstructible even though there are evidently imitative elements.

Note that the Hoocąk vowel matches the Hidatsa vowel. Perhaps cf. ‘weak’.