chert, flint

noun physical_material

Proto-Siouan-Catawba *wą́h-

Proto-Siouan *wą́•he


Crow isaá ‘his arrow’ RG, GG:89, RGG:20

Hidatsa itaá , †á ‘arrow’ J , wa•ʔí• , †á ‘his arrow’ J , ma•ʔí• , †á ‘arrowhead’ J


Mandan wą́•h, wą́•he ‘arrow’ RTC

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *wą́

Proto-Dakota *wą́

Lakota waŋ , †wą ‘arrow’ EB:540b

Dakota waŋ , †wą ‘arrow’ WM:9b

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *mą́•

Chiwere mą́ RR

Hoocąk mą́ą KM:1931 , mąą

Proto-Dhegiha *mą́ RR

Omaha-Ponca mą́ RR

Kanza/Kaw mą́ RR

Osage moⁿ , †mą ‘arrow’ LF:95a

Quapaw mą́ RR

Proto-Southeastern *mąksi• RR

Proto-Biloxi-Ofo *ąksi RR

Biloxi añks, añksí, añksapí , †ąksí ‘arrow, gun, carbine, lead’ D&S:177a , ąk(ə)sa•peʔ , †ąksí MRH , aŋsa•peʔ , †ąksí MS

Ofo onfhā´pi, oⁿfháp , †ąfhi ‘arrow, gun’ JSS , óⁿfhi , †ą́fhi ‘bullet’ D&S:328a


Tutelo māñkōi, māñksīi; mañkcík , †mą•ksi• ‘arrow’ H, JOD

Saponi mankey , †mąki ‘shot’ F


Catawba FGS:102 , wanhá, wanhí G:545, KS

Woccon Wonsh-shee , †wąši (?) ‘awl, needle’ JL

General comment

Cf. ‘sharpen, grind’ for related verbal forms. Cf. ‘blade, edged tool’ for derived forms. The southeastern languages show compounds with *-ksi• for ‘arrowhead(?)’ N.B. Ofo fh < *hs < *ks, a series of sound changes which recurs in other cognate sets. On loss of initial w- after prefixes, compare Crow and Hidatsa possessed forms of ‘blanket’, Hidatsa ita•ši < *ita-waši.