Words in Lakota for lemma split (8)


Meaning forked
Original entry žáta ‘forked’ C
Sources RTC

-žálžata, pa-

Meaning make forked by punching or thrusting something into
Original entry -žálžata, pa- ‘make forked by punching or thrusting something into’ B-427
Sources EB: 427

-žata, awá-

Meaning make a split on
Original entry -žata, awá- ‘make a split on’ B-98
Sources EB: 98

-žáta, gla-

Meaning bite and make forked
Original entry -žáta, gla- ‘bite and make forked’ B-149
Sources EB: 149

-žáta, ka-

Meaning make forked by cutting with an ax
Original entry -žáta, ka- ‘make forked by cutting with an ax’ B-279
Sources EB: 279

-žáta, na-

Meaning make forked by kicking, to split
Original entry -žáta, na- ‘make forked by kicking, to split’ B-346
Sources EB: 346

-žáta, wa-

Meaning make forked by sawing or cutting, as one end of an arrow notched for the string; to cut into a fork
Original entry -žáta, wa- ‘make forked by sawing or cutting, as one end of an arrow notched for the string; to cut into a fork’ B-523
Sources EB: 523

-žáta, wo-

Meaning make forked by punching as is done to a turnip digger
Original entry -žáta, wo- ‘make forked by punching as is done to a turnip digger’ B-601
Sources EB: 601