Words in Lakota for lemma slip (5)


Meaning slippery, as a road; smooth, as ice
Original entry šlušlúta ‘slippery, as a road; smooth, as ice’ B-465b
Sources EB: 465b

-šluta, ayá-

Meaning have the teeth slip on anything
Original entry -šluta, ayá- ‘have the teeth slip on anything’ B-103
Sources EB: 103

-šlúta, wo-

Meaning glance, as a bullet
Original entry -šlúta, wo- ‘glance, as a bullet’ B-609
Sources EB: 609

-šlúta, ka-

Meaning strike and make glance off
Original entry -šlúta, ka- ‘strike and make glance off’ B-291
Sources EB: 291

-šlúšluta, na-

Meaning slip often; to make smooth with the feet
Original entry -šlúšluta, na- ‘slip often; to make smooth with the feet’ B-359
Sources EB: 359

-šlúta, pa-

Meaning loom up thence coming up and into sight
Original entry -šlúta, pa- ‘loom up thence coming up and into sight’ B-435
Sources EB: 435

-šlúta, yu-

Meaning slip out, to let slip from one, as a fish
Original entry -šlúta, yu- ‘slip out, to let slip from one, as a fish’ B-652
Sources EB: 652