Words in Lakota for lemma slip (3)

-slútA, ya-

Meaning pull out with the mouth
Original entry -slútA, ya- ‘pull out with the mouth’ B-627
Sources EB: 627

-slútA, na-

Meaning kick out with the feet, as from one’s bed; to slip out, as a foreign object from an ulcer
Original entry -slútA, na- ‘kick out with the feet, as from one’s bed; to slip out, as a foreign object from an ulcer’ B-357
Sources EB: 357

-slutA, oká-

Meaning hit the center, as in shooting and knocking out a piece perhaps
Original entry -slutA, oká- ‘hit the center, as in shooting and knocking out a piece perhaps’ B-385
Sources EB: 385

-slútA, pa-

Meaning push out of, as dirt from a pipe stem
Original entry -slútA, pa- ‘push out of, as dirt from a pipe stem’ B-433
Sources EB: 433

-slútA, yu-

Meaning pull out, to draw out from under, as a splinter from under a fingernail, or a book from a shelf
Original entry -slútA, yu- ‘pull out, to draw out from under, as a splinter from under a fingernail, or a book from a shelf’ B-650
Sources EB: 650