Words in Lakota for lemma skim (3)

-ɣé, ka-

Meaning skim off, e.g. cream from milk
Original entry -ɣé, ka- ‘skim off, e.g. cream from milk’ B-272
Sources EB: 272

-ɣé, yu-

Meaning take out with the hand
Original entry -ɣé, yu- ‘take out with the hand’ B-636
Sources EB: 636

-ɣéɣe, yu-

Meaning gather up in the hand, to take up by handfuls
Original entry -ɣéɣe, yu- ‘gather up in the hand, to take up by handfuls’ B-636
Sources EB: 636

-ɣéɣe, ya-

Meaning gather with the mouth, as cattle do grass
Original entry -ɣéɣe, ya- ‘gather with the mouth, as cattle do grass’ B-618
Sources EB: 618