Words in Lakota for lemma shake (4)


Meaning shake, tremble
Original entry čhąčhą́ ‘shake, tremble’ B-115b
Sources EB: 115b

čhą́čhą, na-

Meaning to shiver, tremble; to make shake with the foot
Original entry čhą́čhą, na- ‘to shiver, tremble; to make shake with the foot’ EJ
Sources EJ

čhą́čhą, pa-

Meaning push someone gently to wake him up
Original entry čhą́čhą, pa- ‘push someone gently to wake him up’ EJ
Sources EJ

čhą́čhą, pu- iyaya

Meaning pass under, stooping
Original entry čhą́čhą, pu- iyaya ‘pass under, stooping’ EJ
Sources EJ

čhą́čhą, wo-

Meaning be very much attached to one
Original entry čhą́čhą, wo- ‘be very much attached to one’ EJ
Sources EJ

čhą́čhą, ya-

Meaning make shake with the mouth, as a dog does its prey; to get people’s attention in a meeting
Original entry čhą́čhą, ya- ‘make shake with the mouth, as a dog does its prey; to get people’s attention in a meeting’ EJ
Sources EJ

čhą́, yu-

Meaning sift, shake in a sieve; fig., not to have, be without
Original entry čhą́, yu- ‘sift, shake in a sieve; fig., not to have, be without’ EJ
Sources EJ

čhą́čhą, yu-

Meaning make shake, in sifting
Original entry čhą́čhą, yu- ‘make shake, in sifting’ EJ
Sources EJ

čhą, iká-

Meaning sift or shake as in sifting
Original entry čhą, iká- ‘sift or shake as in sifting’ EJ
Sources EJ