Words in Lakota for lemma interrogative (1)

to- {in} tohą́hą

Meaning At what time? At what times, places? How far?
Comment of tohą
Original entry to- {in} tohą́hą ‘At what time? At what times, places? How far?’ of tohą’ B-493
Sources EB: 493

tó- {in} tóhąxci

Meaning some other time in the future perhaps
Comment Toniketu? How is it with you, how are you?
Original entry tó- {in} tóhąxci ‘some other time in the future perhaps’ B-493
Sources EB: 493

to- {in} tohą́l

Meaning When, when?
Comment also, tónagnag, tónagnakeca; of tonakeca
Original entry to- {in} tohą́l ‘When, when?’ B-493
Sources EB: 493

tó- {in} tóhąšna

Meaning sometime
Original entry tó- {in} tóhąšna ‘sometime’ B-493
Sources EB: 493

to- {in} tohą́tą

Meaning for all the past time
Original entry to- {in} tohą́tą ‘for all the past time’ B-493
Sources EB: 493

to- {in} tohą́tu

Meaning When?
Original entry to- {in} tohą́tu ‘When?’ B-493
Sources EB: 493

to- {in} tohą́yą

Meaning as long as, as far as; for how long?
Original entry to- {in} tohą́yą ‘as long as, as far as; ‘for how long?’ B-493
Sources EB: 493

tó- {in} tóhe

Meaning his place, his camp; his office or position
Original entry tó- {in} tóhe ‘his place, his camp; his office or position’ B-494
Sources EB: 494

tó- {in} tóka

Meaning why? how is it? what is up?
Original entry tó- {in} tóka ‘why? how is it? what is up?’ B-494a
Sources EB: 494a

to- {in} toką́, tokhą́l

Meaning in another place, elsewhere; another way; another, as another person
Original entry to- {in} toką́, tokhą́l ‘in another place, elsewhere; another way; another, as another person’ B-49
Sources EB: 49

tó- {in} tókhecae

Meaning why?
Original entry tó- {in} tókhecae ‘why?’ B-496b
Sources EB: 496b

tó- {in} tókhetu

Meaning how is it? as it is
Original entry tó- {in} tókhetu ‘how is it? as it is’ B-497b Toniketu? ‘how is it with you, how are you?
Sources EB: 497b

tó- {in} tókhi

Meaning where, somewhere
Original entry tó- {in} tókhi ‘where, somewhere’ B-497b
Sources EB: 497b

tó- {in} tókša

Meaning presently, by and by, before long; yes
Original entry tó- {in} tókša ‘presently, by and by, before long; yes’ B-498
Sources EB: 498

tó- {in} tóktu

Meaning how is it?
Original entry tó- {in} tóktu ‘how is it?’ B-499
Sources EB: 499

tó- {in} tóna

Meaning how many, which?
Original entry tó- {in} tóna ‘how many, which?’ B-499
Sources EB: 499

tó- {in} tónagna

Meaning how many?
Original entry tó- {in} tónagna ‘how many?’ also, tónagnag, tónagnakeca; of tonakeca B-499
Sources EB: 499

tó- {in} tónana

Meaning a few, how few
Original entry tó- {in} tónana ‘a few, how few’ B-499
Sources EB: 499