Words in Mandan for lemma scrape (2)


Meaning touch, poke, scrape
Original entry -tkE ‘touch, poke, scrape’ H-253
Sources H: 253


Meaning flesher
Original entry ítke ‘flesher’ C
Sources RTC

-tkeʔš, wá-

Meaning he scrapes hair from hide, pokes with pointed object
Original entry -tkeʔš, wá- ‘he scrapes hair from hide, pokes with pointed object’ H-253
Sources H: 253

-tkéʔš, ra-

Meaning he pokes with the foot
Original entry -tkéʔš, ra- ‘he pokes with the foot’ H-253
Sources H: 253

-tkéʔš, ru-

Meaning he touches s.t., pokes s.t.
Original entry -tkéʔš, ru- ‘he touches s.t., pokes s.t.’ H-253
Sources H: 253