Words in Hoocąk for lemma make hole

gogóp, gi-

Meaning peck at with the beak
Original entry gogóp, gi- ‘peck at with the beak’ KM-335
Sources KM: 335


Meaning pick up with the beak
Original entry góp, gi- ‘pick up with the beak’ KM-334
Sources KM: 334

góp, gi-

Meaning take, dig something out of something else (e.g., knife out of sheath, cork out of bottle)
Original entry góp, ru- ‘take, dig something out of something else (e.g., knife out of sheath, cork out of bottle)’ KM-2664
Sources KM: 2664


Meaning pry out, v.tr.
Original entry góp, wa- ‘pry out, v.tr.’ KM-3256
Sources KM: 3256

góp, ru-

Meaning [make hole]


Meaning [make hole]

góp, wa-

Meaning [make hole]


Meaning [make hole]