
verb social_culture


Proto-Siouan *xé


Mandan ówą•xe ‘grave’ RTC

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *xé

Proto-Dakota *xá

Lakota ‘bury’ RTC, EJ

Dakota xa ‘bury’ SRR:160a

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *xé•

Chiwere ‘bury’ RR

Hoocąk xée ‘bury’ [+ ablaut] KM:3878 , xee

Proto-Dhegiha *xé

Omaha-Ponca , †xé ‘bury’ MAS:29

Kanza/Kaw ‘bury’ RR

Osage , †xé ‘bury, inter’ LF:218a

Quapaw xe ‘bury’ JOD



Biloxi amaxí , †amąxí ‘grave’ D&S:227a

General comment

In Mandan and Biloxi the root has been compounded with ‘mud, dirt, earth’, q.v. In fact, it is likely in both cases that the compound has been reanalyzed to a new root. Data on vowel length here are, unfortunately, marginal. We cannot say that the Proto-Siouan vowel was short and cannot be certain it was long. The root, being a monosyllable, should and apparently does, have organic *-e, not the unaccented stem forming -E.