base, root, stump

noun plant_part


Proto-Siouan *hú•tE

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *ú•tE

Crow ú•še+ta ‘at the root’ [<úuš + -eeta (postpositional suffix) ‘along’] L:323 , ú•ceta

Hidatsa ú•tE ‘base, root’ [as a stem with loc. suffixes = ‘near’] J , ú•ti


Mandan manahuta ‘stump’ Will

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *hútE

Proto-Dakota *hútA

Lakota húte, ohúte, ohúta ‘base, root’ RTC , óhuta ‘shore’ RTC , wihúta ‘base of tent’ RTC

Dakota húte ‘base’ WM:14a

Stoney wihúta ‘base of tent’ [also ~ hul (?)] PAS, JEK

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *húte

Chiwere húǰe ‘base, stump’ JGT:28

Hoocąk húič ‘base (n.) ; foot (of tree)’ [archaic] KM:1595 , huic

Proto-Dhegiha *hüté

Omaha-Ponca hidé JOD

Kanza/Kaw hüǰé ‘bottom, lower part’ RR

Osage udsé , †hücé ‘the base or lower part of a hill, mountain, stream or tree’ LF:167a , hüṭṣé , †hücé JOD



Biloxi udí ‘trunk, roots’ D&S:283a


Catawba teṭ ‘root’ KS

General comment

Biloxi loses initial h-. Thus Crow/Hidatsa stand alone in suggesting unambiguously lack of h in Proto-Siouan. Perhaps the h- has been innovated in central Siouan; or perhaps Proto-Crow-Hidatsa irregularly lost it. On the other hand, the Catawba form may help explain the anomaly, as it suggests an old compound: Proto-Siouan *hu•tree, bone, leg, stalk, stem, trunk’ plus (V)te ‘root’, with subsequent reinterpretation.

Language Cognate Phonetic Siouan Meaning Comment Sources