arrive here

verb physical_motion


Proto-Siouan *re-hí•

Pre-Mandan *:ti < **rhi

Mandan tíʔš ‘he arrived here’ RTC

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *rhí•

Proto-Dakota *hí

Lakota ‘arrive here’ RTC

Dakota hi ‘arrive’ WM:9b

Stoney PAS

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *tí•

Chiwere ǰi•khé, ǰi• ‘he’s arriving’ RR

Hoocąk ǰíi ‘arrive coming’ KM:1702 , jii

Proto-Dhegiha *thí

Omaha-Ponca thí ‘arrive here’ RR

Kanza/Kaw čhí ‘arrive here’ RR

Osage chí ‘arrive here’ RR

Quapaw thí ‘arrive here’ RR

Proto-Southeastern *hí• (?)


Biloxi iⁿhiⁿ´ , †įhį́ ‘have come here for the first time’ D&S:197a

Ofo ofthạhi , †ofthahi ‘arrive here, come in (?)’ D&S:327a


Tutelo , †hi• ‘come’ H , híwa , †hi• ‘to have come hither (?)’ JOD

General comment

Hollow derives Mandan ti from underlying rhi, which may account for its prelengthening behavior. Cognacy of the SE Siouan forms is questionable, since available translations do not usually provide sufficient information and may refer to the simplex verb. This set may be derived from simplex *hi ‘arrive’ with a prefixed spatial/temporal deictic element *re ‘this, here, now’, which undergoes the normal initial syllable vowel syncope.

arrive there’, hí•, shows the unmarked form. Note that the compound is truly confirmed only in Mandan, Chiwere/Hoocąk and DH; all other languages may be showing reflexes of simplex *hi.