rain (2)

verb natural_force_weather


Proto-Siouan *xo•he

Pre-Mandan *xeʔh-

Mandan xéʔhoʔš ‘it’s raining’ RTC

Proto-Southeastern *wa-xó•-hi

Proto-Biloxi-Ofo *(wa-)xóhi

Biloxi xóhi, xohí , †xohi ‘rain’ D&S:222a

Ofo ashóhi, ashói, áshohi , †ašóhi ‘rain’ D&S:321b


Tutelo qawōi; qawōqa, hāwōhā, qawō , †xawo•- N, HH

General comment

Cf. ‘frost (1)’. This is a relatively insecure reconstruction, which hinges on assuming that the Mandan is contaminated by seʔh, šeʔhdrip (3)’. It looks as though there has been a simple metathesis of consonants in Tutelo.