hunt, seek

verb social_culture


Proto-Siouan *-_Ré•

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *-re• (?)

Crow óoli ‘wait for’ GG:52, RGG:29

Hidatsa í•re• ‘fall trap for buffalo’ J

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *Ré

Proto-Dakota *Ré

Lakota čhą_lé ‘gather firewood’ EB:120b , o_lé ‘hunt’ RTC

Dakota o_dé ‘seek for, hunt for’ SRR:348a


Chiwere aǰé , †aǰé ‘gather’ JGT:2 , *uǰé , †aǰé LWR:31 , uǰé , †aǰé

Proto-Dhegiha *Re

Omaha-Ponca a’ne , †áne ‘embrace’ MAS:68 , u••ne , †o_ne ‘look for, seek’

Kanza/Kaw áǰe ‘hug’ RR , o_ǰé ‘look for’ RR

Osage ádse , †áce ‘embrace’ LF:7b , udsé , †o_cé LF:167a

Quapaw otté ‘look for’ [unmarked t in JOD, possibly oté]

Proto-Southeastern *Ré•


Biloxi háne, ané , †(h)ane ‘find’ D&S:194b

Ofo ákde , †ákde ‘find’ D&S:319b


Tutelo inēwa , †iné•wa ‘see, find’ H


Catawba na•ni ‘see, find’ KS , ka•niʔ FS

General comment

Cf. ‘find by seeking’. The Ofo forms may belong to that set rather than this, since the *r/*R distinction is neutralized after *k. Biloxi and Tutelo n before an oral vowel suggest an earlier cluster. If Crow and Hidatsa are cognate forms, the length difference is unexplained, although forms with R frequently have a Mandan ʔ (*ʔr is a possible source of *R) that could have yielded length.