duck, waterfowl

noun animal_bird


Proto-Siouan *wį́•xa

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *wí•xa•ka

Crow bíaxaaka RG, GG:29, RGG:1

Hidatsa wí•xa•ka ‘duck’ J , mí•xa•ka

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *wį•xa

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *wį́xe

Chiwere mį́xe ‘duck’ RR

Hoocąk wį́įx KM:3754 , wįįx

Proto-Dhegiha *mį́•ɣa

Omaha-Ponca mį́•xa ‘duck’ RR

Kanza/Kaw mį́xa ~ mį́•ɣa RR

Osage míxa , †mį́ɣa ‘the white swan (see legend)’ LF:93b

Quapaw mį́xa ‘duck’ RR , mį́ɣa JOD

General comment

The Dakota maɣá ‘duck’ represents a contamination of this root by Proto-Siouanbird (1)’, q.v. The final vowel was reanalyzed in Chiwere/Hoocąk. Cf. ‘goose’.