
noun animal_domestic


Proto-Siouan *wašų́ke, *wi-šų́•ke

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *wašúka

Crow bišká ‘dog’ RG, GG:33, RGG:2

Hidatsa wašúka ‘dog’ J , mašúka

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *šų́kE

Proto-Dakota *šų́kA

Lakota šų́ka ‘dog’ RTC

Dakota śúŋka , †šų́ka ‘dog’ SRR:450a

Stoney sų́ga ‘dog’ PAS

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *šų́•ke

Chiwere šųkhéñį, šų́kheñį ‘dog + common’ RR , šų́ŋe ‘horse’ GM

Hoocąk šų́ųk ‘dog, horse’ KM:3005 , šųųk ‘puppy’ KM:3002 , šųųgnį́k , šųųknįk, šųųkįk

Proto-Dhegiha *šǫ́ke

Omaha-Ponca šǫ́ge ‘horse’ RTC

Kanza/Kaw šǫ́ge ‘horse’ RR

Osage shóⁿge , †šǫ́ke ‘dog, wolf’ LF:133a

Quapaw šǫ́ke RR

Proto-Southeastern *ačhų́•ki

Proto-Biloxi-Ofo *ačhǫ́ki

Biloxi tcụ́ñki ‘dog’ D&S:267b , čɔ̨keʔ ‘dog’ MRH , čɔŋkIʔ ‘dog’ MS

Ofo atcū´ñgas nashū´sitaⁿ , †ačų́•kas ‘mule’ JSS , atchû´ñki , †ačhų́ki ‘dog’ [scratched out by Swanton in his slip file] D&S:321b , ītchû´ñki , †ačhų́ki


Tutelo tçoñg; tçoñgo, tçoñki, tçoñk , †čhų́ki ‘dog’ N, H , tsoⁿk , †čhų́ki ‘dog’ LJF , ts’uŋk’ , †čhų́ki ‘dog’ ES , tshu , †čhų́ki ‘dog’ MMI , tsöų•gí•we , †čhų́ki ‘wolf’ MMI

Saponi chunkete , †čhųki- ‘horse (head)’ F

General comment

This ancient term has been adapted in historical times to refer to the horse. ‘dog’ and ‘wolf’ vie for the original meaning and one or the other or both are often derived terms. Vowel length is attested sporadically in this set, v. Chiwere/Hoocąk, Ofo, Tutelo. Crow (and possibly Ofo) suggest a prefix *wi- ‘animate’.