Words in Biloxi for lemma side (1)

saⁿhíⁿ, saⁿhíⁿyaⁿ

Phonetic Siouan †sąhį́
Meaning on the other side
Original entry †sąhį́ “saⁿhíⁿ, saⁿhíⁿyaⁿ” ‘on the other side’ DS-251b
Sources D&S: 251b


Phonetic Siouan †sąhį́xa
Meaning one of a pair
Original entry †sąhį́xa “saⁿhíⁿxa” ‘one of a pair’ DS-251b
Sources D&S: 251b


Phonetic Siouan †isą́hį
Meaning at one side or end
Original entry †isą́hį “isáⁿhiⁿ” ‘at one side’ DS-251b
Sources D&S: 251b