scrape clean > scrape up, scrape off, clear off

verb physical_contact_manipulation


Proto-Siouan *-xąhe

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *xa• < *xahe

Hidatsa -xa•, na- ‘bite sth.’ [ra] J , -xa•, ara- ‘push away with feet’ [rka] J , -xa•, ára- ‘burning, burnt’ J , -xa•, náx- ‘sweep, scrape’ J , -xa•, nú- ‘spread out flat, e.g. blanket on floor’ J , -xa•, pá- ‘push away with both hands with palms outspread; drive herd; iron clothes’ J

Pre-Mandan *-sąh-

Mandan -są́hoʔš, ka- ‘he clears it off’ H:198

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *-ɣą


Hoocąk -ɣą́, nąą- ‘scratch like chicken’ KM:2148 , nąąǧą ‘uncover’ KM:2670 , -ɣą́, ru- , ruǧą


Quapaw -ɣą́, di- ~ diɣǫ́ ‘gather up in the hands’ RR

General comment

Some of the Hidatsa forms may go with ‘spread out’, q.v.. There are not enough data here to make vowel length reconstruction easy. Hidatsa, assuming it is cognate, and Hoocąk disagree. Proto-Siouan may have been either *-xąhe or *-xą́•he, as Hidatsa length can be a reflex of the loss of h. Cf. also ‘rough (1)’.

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