
noun animal_insect


Proto-Siouan *(w-)hé• < **(wa-)hé•

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *weé < *wehé

Crow beé RG, GG:28, RGG:1

Hidatsa wé• ‘head louse’ J , mé•


Mandan péʔ ‘head louse’ RTC

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *hé

Proto-Dakota *héya

Lakota héya ‘louse’ RTC

Dakota héya ‘louse’ SRR:144b

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *hé•

Chiwere he• ‘louse’ RR

Hoocąk hée ‘louse’ KM:782 , hee

Proto-Dhegiha *hé RR

Omaha-Ponca ‘louse’ RR

Kanza/Kaw ‘louse’ RR

Osage ‘louse’ RR

Quapaw he ‘louse’ JOD



Biloxi ané, anedí , †ané ‘louse, lice’ D&S:173a

Ofo óⁿyi , †ą́yi ‘louse’ D&S:328

General comment

Once again OVS shows n for h elsewhere; cf. ‘day’, ‘long (2)’.

Cf. also ‘bee (1)’. Biloxi frequently loses root-initial h-. If that happened here, the n could be the reflex of *r, an epenthetic glide inserted between the vowels. The problem in this instance is that Biloxi n preceding an oral vowel usually results from a former cluster in which r was the second member.

Root-initial *h- is quite generally lost in Ofo and replaced with y intervocalically (cf. ‘blackberry’, ‘boat’, ‘female, woman’). Final unaccented -e raises to -i in OVS languages, leaving the Ofo form as we have it here.

The initial ą́ of Ofo is unexplained however.