float (1)

verb physical_motion


Proto-Siouan *ha

Proto-Crow-Hidatsa *ruhe

Crow dúa ‘lift up’ RG, GG:44, RGG:31

Hidatsa rú•he ‘lift’ J , nú•hi ‘rise, get up’ J , i-ru•he , i-ru•hi

Proto-Mississipi-Valley *-há

Proto-Dakota *-há

Lakota pahá ‘raise’ [- ablaut] EB:424b , yuhá ‘lift’ EB:637a

Dakota yuhá ‘lift, be able to carry’ [-ablaut] SRR:623b

Proto-Hoocąk-Chiwere *-há

Chiwere u•há ‘raise the hand’ RR , wahá GM

Hoocąk wahá ‘show’ KM:3270 , waha ‘float’ KM:341 , gihá, gihahá , giha, gihaha

Proto-Dhegiha *-há

Omaha-Ponca baha ‘exhibit’ MAS:72 , baha MAS:79 , ugáha

Kanza/Kaw gahá ‘blown along’ JOD , yühá ‘move a short distance’ MR, RR , bahá ‘hold up, show’ RR

Osage bahá , †pahá ‘show, display’ LF:21a , gaháha , †kaháha ‘swinging up and down to the rhythm of waves’ LF:45b

Quapaw kahá ‘float’ [verb] JOD , há, ka-, kaha ‘float’ RR , dihátta ‘lift’ JOD

General comment

Cf. ‘light in weight’. Omaha-Ponca thihoⁿ (SW-113), Kanza/Kaw yühą́ ‘lift or pull up’, Kanza/Kaw bahą́ ‘push up’ (JOD), and Osage †ðühą́ thihoⁿ´ ‘lift’ (LF-147a) may reflect contamination from standing, continue, standing positional’ or compounding with ʔųdo, make’ as an auxiliary. Crow and Hidatsa have reinterpreted the root as containing *-E, the ablauting vowel.